Cesare Picco started studying piano when he was four years old and from 1986 he started to perform his own music. He is author to ballets, operas, music for theatre and special projects performed worldwide. Cesare has performed at Italy's most important festivals and worldwide including Delhi Jazz Festival, Tokyo Jazz Festival, Abu Dhabi Festival, Singapore Old Parliament, Hanoi Opera House, Al Maidan Centre Kuwait City, Kolkata Tagore Centre, Shillong Auditorium, Guggenheim Venice, Tokyo Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, New York Whitney Museum, and Tokyo Blue Note.
He has worked with distinguished artists including Naseer Shamma, Giovanni Hidalgo, Edmar Castaneda, Nino Josele, Vasilis Saleas, Miles Jaye, Giovanni Sollima, Hajime Mizoguchi, Markus Stockhausen, Yukimi Nagano, Taketo Gohara, and many Italian artists.
As a composer he has written music for solos, chamber music ensembles and orchestras such as Virtuosi Italiani, Berlin Chamber Soloists, Moscow State Symphony Orchestra.
In 1999 Picco wrote the children's opera "Il Viaggio di Hans" inspired by Andersen's tales commissioned by Arena di Verona. Between 1998 and 2004 he composed music for three ballets of the étoile Luciana Savignano perorming with her at Teatro Alla Scala di Milano.
Since 2006 his albums have been released in Japan and he quickly became famous touring the country several times and collaborating with local artists and orchestras. In 2009 he created and performed the special show "Blind Date – Concert in the dark", a live performance of pure improvisation in which both artist and audience are soaked in the darkness. The piano solo album "Secret Forest" released in 2014 has been recorded on Yamaha CFX.