Engagement with Stakeholders

Based on its Promises to Stakeholders, the Yamaha Group creates various opportunities to engage in dialogue with its stakeholders to learn about their opinions and desires and then reflects this input in its corporate activities.

Initiatives Targeting Specific Stakeholder Groups

Stakeholder Major Responsibilities Daily Means of Communication Examples of Initiatives
Customers Offer valuable products and services that are safe and offer peace of mind, promote universal design, supply accurate product information, provide customers with appropriate service and support, store customer information appropriately Product and service helpdesks (telephone, email, etc.), daily sales activities

Safety and Quality of Products and Services

Improvement of Customer Satisfaction

Employees Evaluate and treat people fairly, respect human rights and diversity, utilize and train personnel, support a wide range of workstyles, ensure health and safety Survey questionnaires (motivation, workplace comfort, and management), labor-management meetings and discussions

Communication between Labor and Management

Respect for Human Rights

Promotion of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Human Resources Development

Promotion of Work-Life Balance

Employee Health and Safety

Business Partners Select business partners based on fair and rational standards, engage in fair transactions, eliminate dubious business relationships, prohibit abuses of power Daily business activities, production and sales trend briefing sessions, policy explanation meetings

Promotion of Social Responsibility in the Value Chain

Communities and Greater Society Coexist with communities and contribute to their development (including promoting culture, training the next generation, promoting welfare, creating employment, and developing skills and technology) Information exchange sessions with local communities and municipalities, factory tours, employee involvement in community activities, exchange of information and dialogue with communities and NPOs/NGOs

Communication with Local Communities

Contribution to Regional Community Development

Environment Prevent pollution, combat climate change, preserve natural resources, manage and reduce the use of chemical substances, protect biodiversity Exchange of information and dialogue with communities and NPOs/NGOs

The Environment

Shareholders Disclose accurate management information in a timely manner, distribute profit appropriately, improve corporate value General shareholders’ meetings, explanatory meetings for investors, investor website and email newsletters

Communication with Shareholders and Investors

Stakeholder Engagement Program

The Company has been participating in the Stakeholder Engagement Program of Caux Round Table Japan since fiscal 2020. Through the program, input on potential issues is received from NPOs, NGOs, and experts as part of the process of identifying important, industry-specific human rights issues.